It seems almost certain that you will be able to use your cell phones in camp in 2011!
We are working with a communications company in Thunder Bay which says there should be no problem connecting a repeater antenna that would allow anyone with a cell phone to pick up a signal within about 100 feet.
Our plan is to mount the antenna in the lodge porch.
So you might not be able to use your cell phone in your cabin, but could do so if you walked over toward the lodge.
The signal might also be strong enough to reach some cabins such as Cabins 5, 6 and 7.
We have a cell bag phone in the lodge that works with an external antenna and a signal amplifier. The plan is to connect the amplifier with an external transmitting antenna.
You should be able to do all the things you can normally do with cell phones as long as you are within range.
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We recognize that some people like getting away from their cell phones while others miss them desperately. We think this arrangement where the cells will only work in a small area of camp is a good compromise. If you want to use your cell, come to the area where they will work. Otherwise, leave them in your cabin.
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