I clicked this scene of a sunrise while canoeing last October.
What is it about sunrises that makes them seem even more spectacular than sunsets?
I get more sunrise photos in the fall than any other time of the year for a couple of reasons.
One is that I use a canoe for moose hunting. It is legal in Ontario to shoot from a canoe that does not have a motor, and my family has found this to be an excellent way to hunt.
The second reason is that sunrises are so late in October, around 7 a.m., that you don't have to get up early to see them.
I really love silently slipping along the lake, looking at all the wildlife. You can go so close to shore that you can even see tracks. There are so many wild creatures to see -- and hear -- this way: moose, bear, wolves, lynx, owls. It's a hoot! (pun intended)
The difference is like driving along a highway looking for animals compared to sitting in a treestand. I thought of this last fall after we got back to Nolalu and I had just spent a fantastic morning in my treestand.
I had not only seen 12 deer that day but had many of them stand right below me, watched a buck grunt, watched a buck go after a doe and heard a doe bleat. What an education! And that wasn't all. I also had a barred owl fly within a few feet of me, saw grouse feeding and had a pine marten go by!
After I went to the house for lunch I walked down to the road to get the mail and observed trucks of hunters driving slowly around, hoping to see something cross the road. What a different experience they were getting out of deer hunting.
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