It's everyone's dream to see a bull moose while fishing here at Bow Narrows Camp and that dream came true for angler Bob Preuss last week.
It was a great week for seeing wildlife. There were also two timber wolves seen, one swimming and the other on land.
Our fishermen have seen several wolves this summer. That is unusual as these creatures are extremely wary and difficult to spot.
One of the wolves was pure white and was walking along the side of a rocky cliff.
Early in the season we also saw many black bears.
On Sunday I came across a doe and fawn whitetail deer swimming across Hammell Narrows, right in the town of Red Lake. Bow Narrows' guests will know this location as where the beautiful homes are along the waterfront, just as we leave Howey Bay.
I have actually seen a lot of animals swimming across this channel over the years: deer, bear, coyotes and moose. They are usually swimming from the mainland out to White Horse Island.
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