Ed Dziubinski, top, and Franz Stockmann may be seasoned Bow Narrows Camp anglers but you don't have to be experts like these to have a whale of a time catching fish up here.
In fact the newer you are to the experience the bigger the adventure it will be. There is nothing like the thrill of trying something new in a place where the scenery leaves you awestruck at every turn.
The key, and I think everyone will agree on this, is attitude. If you approach the whole trip from the time you leave home with the confidence that you are going to have fun, then that is exactly what is going to happen!
If you are new to fishing or at least to this kind of fishing, then the best way to start is by reading back through the blogs and getting some idea of the techniques and tackle used.
Once you are up here, for goodness sake, ask questions! Ask me, ask our outside staffer Ben, ask the other guests. I can guarantee you that we all will help. Sometimes it's just a demonstration on something as simple as how fast to reel that makes all the difference.
Newcomers just about always do exceptionally well as long as they aren't afraid to ask questions.
In fact, it is people at the other end of the spectrum -- know-it-all-experts -- who don't do well.
The reason is they won't, or can't, learn anything new. Yet, the fishing on every lake is different from every other lake. The real expert knows this and if he is fishing a water body for the first time, guess what? He asks a lot of questions! And listens. And observes.
What if you've never driven an outboard motor before? We'll show you. All of our outboards are electric-start. You just push a button. So you don't need to be super-strong.
Won't you get lost? Nope. First of all, at Bow Narrows Camp, you can catch tons of fish literally within sight of the place. You don't need to go far. You can if you want but you don't need to just to catch fish.
We give you a great map that not only shows the water but features on the shore, all navigation aids like buoys and markers, and all hazards such as shallow water.
Camp is located in a long narrows with dead-end bays on the sides. Think of the narrows as main street and the bays as side streets. The narrows is marked with navigation aids like red and green buoys, markers on shore and even little beacons. The markers all lead right back to camp!
By the end of your second day you will totally understand the lake.
What if you've never cleaned a fish? Doesn't matter! We clean all your fish for you as part of our regular service. You put your fish in a wet burlap bag that we provide and bring the bag to the fish cleaning house. We do the rest.
The mystery and fun of discovering new things, seeing new places, checking out new animals and meeting new people await you. You are going to have a blast!
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