"Do you have any lures in orange? Anything at all? Right now if you've got a lure with orange you can sink the boat with fish. I had one orange spoon and I got it stuck in the rocks!"
This is a common bit of conversation at camp. It's not always orange that the fish want. Sometimes it's red or blue or silver or gold, etc.
If we have anything with the right color in our little tackle store the entire collection is snapped up. Then people want to know if we have any paint in the right color. However, paint is a slow solution. A much better and instant fix is to bring a selection of fishing lure prism tapes.
Prism tapes are absolutely great for modifying spoons and spinners. You just peel off the back and stick it down. It lasts for years.
These tapes come in countless shades and colors and also have holographic and other reflective finishes.
I've discovered that I can make my own ice fishing lures for about 1/100 of the cost. I just buy generic spoon blanks and then add tiny bits of the reflective tapes. These lures are not only cheaper than buying ready-made ice fishing lures, they work better as well.
As you can see in the photos, each strip of tape cost me just 50 cents.
These tapes also come in unusual shapes such as zig-zag and tiny circles.
However, if you want to make your own shape just cut it out with tiny scissors. I find the scissors on my Swiss Army knife work nicely.
You can find the fishing lure tapes at sporting goods stores and on-line catalogs.
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