Saturday, August 24, 2013

No trouble for new "Moose Club" member

Tyler Tyson hoists a hefty northern pike for the camera before releasing it back to the waters of Red Lake last week. In the background and acting as guide is Tyler's father-in-law, Jeff Preuss.
Tyler was the only member of Bob Preuss's group that wasn't already a member of the "Moose Club," whose disciples must catch at least two northern pike over 32 inches.
(I swear the criteria for membership used to be to catch ONE pike over 32 inches but with newbie Tyler along and after he caught a qualifying pike on one of his first days the bar was suddenly raised to needing TWO pike over 32 inches.)
No matter, Tyler met that requirement handily, I think even on the same day.
I could be wrong, of course, but this is how legends are made.
Incidentally, one of Tyler's big pike was hooked deeply and rather than damage the magnificent fish, possibly even killing it, the decision was made to use a pair of sidecutters and cut the offending hook off from the treble and quickly release the fish.
It's a great idea to carry a set of medium-sized sidecutters just for this purpose. The pike should be able to shed the hook over time without ill effect.
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