Sunday, August 18, 2013

Lake trout and walleye this family's specialty

Tammy catches lake trout but apparently, doesn't hold them for photos!

Lorin Conkle with a nice evening walleye

A double-rainbow was the bonus on a rainy day

Awesome sunset
Tammy and Lorin Conkle were here recently during a really cold week when the walleye and lake trout actually got turned upside down. The lake trout came toward the surface and the walleye went to deep water. It didn't take long before the Conkle-Williams-Boyer group figured out what was going on and started catching fish.
After two really cold weeks and about a month of cooler-than-normal weather, now the temperature is back in the high 70s and low 80s F (20-30 C). Pike are shallow, walleyes 20-30 feet and lake trout 45-65 feet.
Thanks to Tammy and daughter Rachel for these great photos!

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