We have completed our renovations to Cabin #7 which included insulating the walls and ceiling and new interior.
When we took off the paneling on one of the walls we discovered a bear footprint on the inside of the exterior plywood. The hind print seemed to have been made in paint. I guess the bear stepped on some of our wet "Bow Narrows brown" paint and then on the plywood before the cabin was erected in 1967.
Our second week of the season is drawing to a close.
The first four days were tough fishing due to the cold, rainy, windy weather. Northern pike in particular were harder than usual to catch.
We did get some nice catches of walleye every day.
Finally, the weather "smartened-up" on Wednesday and the pike fishing is returning to normal.
There is a pattern to our weather so far this spring: a couple of warm-even-hot-days, followed by a day with no wind whatsoever, followed by a brutally cold day sometimes with snow, followed by a couple of cool rainy days and then returning to warm again.
Our guests this week saw cow moose, some of them with calves, several bears and even a large wolf. There are still Canada geese migrating north.
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