Tuesday, May 11, 2010

What we've been up to the last few weeks

We got into camp record-early April 21 and had to break a bit of ice on the trip.

We have since been working night and day installing a new septic system for the entire camp. This system uses Ecoflo biofilters which are large underground tanks filled with peat moss.

My friend John Belanger and new staffer Landon Broennle and I spent about a week barging in the Ecolflo tanks plus a half dozen enormous septic tanks and the peat moss.

Then we brought in an excavator and a tracked loader and the actual installation began by Canadian Shield Consultants who designed the entire system for us.

Everything in the ground was amazingly completed in a week and we have since been installing the electrical system to run the whole operation. My brother-in-law Ron Wink has done the electrical work for us.

That too is now complete and there are just a few minor plumbing connections to finish.

The temperatures have been below normal and the only rain we received occurred the entire week of installing the tanks. (That figures!)

Because of the cold temps I expect fishing patterns to be pretty much normal, despite the early breakup of ice.

The forecast this week is for beautiful warm temps. Hope that is the case.

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