Monday, May 17, 2010

Gorgeous weather for rebuilding docks

With the septic system installation now behind us, staffer Landon Broennle and I have turned our attention to rebuilding the crib docks ruined by last year's flood.
We've completed the docks for Cabin 1 and 10 and that just leaves Cabins 5 and 7 still to do.
The other cabins have floating docks.
We have been wearing chest waders which leak a bit but the big shock comes when frigid lake water goes over the top.
Mother Nature has been on our side in this endeavour. No sooner did we get into the lake for the dock work than the weather turned warm and sunny. Temperatures this week are supposed to be in the mid-20s C (mid-70s F).
We had a thunderstorm yesterday afternoon which may have sparked some forest fires someplace in Northwestern Ontario as the bush is very dry. Virtually the only precipitation since the monsoon ended last August occurred two weeks ago when we were digging for the septic system. It probably rained an inch that week.
Today our other staffers arrive: Emily Godin who worked for us last summer and Kristina Belanger. Their immediate task will be to whip the cabins into shape before the first guests arrive on Friday.
We're almost ready to roll.
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