Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Red Lake escapes big storm, Howey Bay opens

Dock this morning at Red Lake Marine on Howey Bay. Sherry McCoy photo
Northwestern Ontario did get walloped by a late-spring snowfall last night but it almost completely missed Red Lake. The heaviest snow fell in the Dryden vicinity.
Although the temperatures were below freezing, high winds did a number on the ice in Howey Bay, smashing the ice pan there to bits. The word this morning was that ice in the Forestry Stretch was still intact. There is more wind today, however, and that may get the big sheet moving and disintegrating. Although temps the rest of the week are supposed to be frigid, a return to warm weather on the weekend should see the lake empty of ice by May 1.
Here in Nolalu we are expecting an extended period of freezing rain starting tonight. The lakes in this area are almost all clear of ice.
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