Tuesday, January 3, 2017

We need some more fishing photos

Yowsers! What a beautiful big pike.
This beautiful northern pike was caught by Troy Dean in mid-August. Photo was taken by Leo Dean.

Taxidermists should study this shot and note the subtle pink and blue hues on the sides of this big fish.
I have just about exhausted the photos our anglers sent me this summer. If you are a Bow Narrows guest and have some shots from last year or even recent years, I would appreciate it if you e-mailed me some. Everyone likes to see great fishing shots. We're also looking for some new ones for the website. They don't all need to be of lunkers. Action photos are always great. We can always use scenery and boating shots too.
E-mail: fish@bownarrows.com
Make sure you identify the people in the photos.
The picture above was actually a print which I scanned. It turned out pretty darn good, didn't it? So if you have prints rather than electronic images, send those. Send to our winter address:
Bow Narrows Camp
RR 1 Old Mill Rd.
Nolalu, ON  P0T 2K0

Thanks for your help. Lots of people enjoy reading this blog and most of the credit for it belongs to our guests. They are the ones who supply the majority of images and also pass along tips and stories.

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