Thursday, December 29, 2016

Can you spot the difference over 7 years?

Kleve in 2009

Kleve in 2016
Kleve Granger has been coming to Bow Narrows Camp during our Family Week for many years.
The first photo is of him in 2009. The second was taken in 2016.
Question: What does Kleve now do differently to catch lunker northern pike like these?
Answer: Absolutely nothing. He casts lures like the 2/5-ounce Little Cleo spoon and the #4 Mepps and Blue Fox spinners. He does this a thousand times a day. And he catches a lot of northern pike, mostly smaller ones but every so often whoppers like these.
Is it fun? You bet your sweet casting rod it is!
Incidentally, Kleve releases all the big pike he catches. If we need some for supper he chooses one beneath the slot size (27.5-35.5 inches).  In fact, if  he could be choosy, he would pick a pike 22-24 inches for eating. This size feeds several people and its fillets are nice and thin so that they cook thoroughly in about 60 seconds.
When anglers release their big fish they are ensuring future generations will have the opportunity to experience great fishing too.
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