Saturday, December 5, 2015

This family always has a great time

Art Ozark, Steve Ozark, friend Gary Teske and Matt Ozark, 2015
As I remember the story, Matt and Steve Ozark were just teenagers when they first came to another camp on Red Lake as part of a large school group. Their counselor was giving them the rules about things like running the boat and motor, when to come back to camp and where they could fish when he added they were not, under any circumstances, to go to Bow Narrows Camp.
So, being curious types, they beetled right over to Bow Narrows Camp at the first opportunity!
And they, plus their dad Art, have been coming every year since then for something like 40 years!
The Ozarks are legendary for having a great time, cooking jambalaya, eating shore lunches, and of course, catching lots of fish.
I always think of them and many other similar families and groups whenever we have a stretch of bad weather. Guys like these have seen great weather, good weather, bad weather, and atrocious weather. They've seen the fish biting so well they almost leaped into the boat and other times where they had to use every bit of skill to get a nibble. And no matter what the weather or the fishing, they always have a blast.

There really is a pot of gold at the end of this rainbow


  1. Why were they told to not go to Bow Narrows?

  2. I think they just didn't want all the kids 'bothering us.'
