Sunday, July 5, 2015

A fishing trip with the boys

It was Isaac Tronrud's first trip

Our dog Cork had the time of his life too

Adam and Isaac Tronrud and Myles Longsdorf meet a three-foot garter snake

There was time for solitude too. Photos by Mike Tronrud
Dads Jon Longsdorf and Mike Tronrud brought their boys fishing and everybody had a ball, including camp dog Cork who must have lost 10 pounds playing football with the kids, swimming and retrieving.


  1. Dan,
    It's great to see the younger generation enjoying the outdoors. As the saying goes-----These boys are "HOOKED FOR LIFE" (Pun intended)
    Indiana Dave

  2. WOW...we can tell that is a big walleye, but how big was it?!?!?!? Great catch, Isaac!!!
