Saturday, December 13, 2014

Walking stick helps aim trail camera

Reconyx HC600 Hyperfire camera catches me and my walking stick

I use the walking stick to zero-in on where exactly the camera is looking

Three whitetail deer follow their trail which intersects mine
Timber wolves, exactly where my camera is focused, are hours behind deer
I carry a cedar walking stick when wandering the trails here in Nolalu. On the top of this stick I have fastened a small piece of 1/4-inch waferply and drilled a hole in the center where I drove in a small wooden peg. This tiny "table" works quite well as a quick rest for my compact 35-mm Olympus SZ-14 camera.
In deep snow I can just poke the stick down and put the little peg in the camera tripod screw hole. The camera  sits there by itself just fine if I want to let go but most of the time I just rest the camera there while I click away.
It makes a world of difference on photo blur when using the camera's 24x zoom lens. This lens is so powerful that many times I have spotted some creature crossing the road a mile away and snapped its photo with the zoom, then enlarged the photo on the camera to see what it was.
I have also discovered another use for the walking stick with its curious little platform on top. It makes a great aiming device for my trail cameras. It can be difficult to figure exactly where a camera is focusing when you hang it on a tree. Now I use my walking stick and camera platform sort of like a T-square. It's easy to keep the platform parallel to the face of the camera and the long stick points right to where the camera is looking.
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