Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Northern pike are especially beefy this year

John Overbeeke let this thick-bodied pike go yesterday
Maybe it's all the walleyes in the lake or maybe it is the rivers of four-inch-long emerald shiners we saw last summer but for whatever reason, northern pike are about as chubby and strong as they can possibly get. They are certainly well-fed and are giving everybody a thrill so far this season.
Just like the walleyes have been the past few years, pike are pumped-up and full of fight.
Our anglers are releasing lots of big ones. Nobody is keeping any above the slot size. Way to go, guys and gals!
Incidentally, the new Lucky Strike conservation nets have been given the thumbs-up by our anglers. They are easy to get fish out of and have handled many pike over 40-inches without a hitch.
That's one in the boat in the photo above.
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