Monday, May 5, 2014

Brenda and Florence Carlson at Sportsmen's Dinner

Brenda with Florence Carlson at the dinner on Saturday. Enid Carlson photo
The Red Lake Sportsmen's Dinner on Saturday was enjoyed by hundreds of sportsmen and women. This annual event raises money for the Red Lake Publicity Board which markets the area to anglers and hunters and other visitors from all over Canada, the U.S. and even Europe. In addition to the meal there are always many dozens of draws for prizes donated by local businesses and individuals. And there is a dance.
It's a pity that more camp operators don't attend the event. This year quite a few probably didn't come because of what looks like a late ice-out. Operators who live out of town wouldn't necessarily make the trip to Red Lake a couple of weeks early just to attend the banquet. We all need to support this great event, run by volunteers and for the benefit of the tourism industry in the Red Lake region. We also need to belong to organizations such as Nature and Outdoor Tourism Ontario if we want our industry to continue to prosper.
Someone who never misses the dinner is Viking Island's Florence Carlson. She and her husband, Arthur, started Viking Island Lodge on Douglas Lake in 1948, the same year Bow Narrows Camp was built by a close friend, Bill Stupack.
Today, Florence's son Hugh and his wife, Enid, and Florence's son Craig and his wife, Roseanne, carry on the business, not only at Viking Island but also Viking Outposts.
Florence will be 100 in September!
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