Saturday, January 25, 2014

It's time to 'fish or cut bait'

It's now been nearly a month since I wrote or e-mailed everybody with existing reservations and asked them to confirm with a deposit, or if they already had sent a deposit, go over arrival and departure times. If you haven't heard from me yet then it means we have missed you in our annual mail-out. You need to contact us by telephone or e-mail right away.
If you are a group organizer who collects deposits from the rest of the party, you should tell the other individuals that it is time to "fish or cut bait." That is, cough up a $100 deposit or you will assume they are not coming.
In a week I will start phoning everyone who I haven't heard from to see what's up. Now is the time when I need hard numbers on group size too. If a group of what was supposed to be eight ends up being six people instead, it can mean using one cabin instead of two. We have a bunch of people waiting for an opening this summer.
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