Saturday, January 11, 2014

Credit cards are paying the best exchange

Two of our U.S. guests have gotten back to me with the exchange they gained by making their deposits to us by credit card in the past couple of days.
One person got an exchange rate of 7.98% and the other 7.5%. That sure beats what we can get through our bank. I reported a couple of days ago that Scotia Bank gave us only 5% exchange on U.S. checks that we deposited. Actually, that exchange yesterday had increased to 6%. But it is still nearly 2% less than you can get through your credit card.
To pay your deposit by credit card, phone us at our winter phone number: 807-475-7246. We are usually home but if not, leave a message and we will call you back.
We require a $100 per person deposit to hold reservations.We make the charge to your credit card in Canadian funds and the actual amount in U.S. funds depends on the current exchange rate. As of yesterday the actual cost would have been $92-$93.

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