Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Send in deposits; boat news; new rates

Click on this panorama photo of camp to enlarge it
I'm in the process of sending letters to everyone, checking with them on their existing reservations and if they haven't already sent it, asking for deposits to continue holding these reservations. About half of the letters have now been sent and the rest will be on the way in the next few days.
Once again we will be booking arrival and departure times for the Lickety Split, the boat that takes you between town and camp, when you make your deposit. Whoever makes their deposit first gets the first choice. The boat picks up guests in town on Saturdays and Sundays at 9 a.m., 10:30 a.m. and 2 p.m. It departs camp on Friday and Saturday at 6:30 a.m. and 8 a.m.
We require a $100 per person deposit to continue holding reservations.
You can make your deposit by calling us with a credit card at our winter number: 807-475-7246 or by mailing a personal check.. Make the check out to Bow Narrows Camp and send it to our winter address:
Bow Narrows Camp
RR1 Old Mill Rd.
Nolalu, ON  P0T 2K0
Deposits are fully refundable upon 60 days notice of cancellation.
You don't need to wait until you get the letter to make a deposit. Just call us at the above phone number.
You can also reach us by e-mail: fish@bownarrows.com
If you still have your HST rebate from last year's trip, you can use that as part of  your deposit. Just sign the back and send it to us with a check for the remainder of your deposit. You can get half of your HST tax back through a mail-in rebate once you return home.

In some camp news, we will be getting a few more of the Lund SSV 16-foot boats this summer. We've had just one of these new 16s and one 18-footer for a few years now. These boats get rave reviews from everybody mostly because of their double split seat arrangement that gives the boats more room to move about.. Both the back seat and the next row forward have a walk-through split seat. They also have removable floors throughout which is necessary because the boat hull has a distinct V-shape that would make it difficult to stand in without the floor. All of our other Lund boats have floors in the V-shaped bow sections. The sections further astern have flat hulls and therefore don't require removable floors. The plan is to convert the entire fleet to the SSVs by 2016.

After crunching the numbers from last year it became evident that we needed to raise our rates a bit. Our last rate increase was three years ago. See our Rates Page on the website for 2014 rates.
Food, fuel and equipment are all much higher now, food especially. At one point last summer we were paying $1 per pound for potatoes from the Red Lake supermarket, just as an example. We are scouting alternate sources of supply for this summer but the choices aren't too many.
We also face ever-more-expensive regulations from the provincial and federal governments.
Our goal is always to provide the highest-quality vacation for an affordable price. A survey of remote (off-the-road) fishing lodges and camps shows we are achieving that.

We will be making a slight alteration to our meal schedule for American Plan guests in 2014. Breakfasts and suppers are unchanged from previous years. Lunches will now consists of two planned indoor shore lunches in the lodge where you provide your own fish and we cook them and serve them to you along with side dishes. Those will be held on Mondays and Wednesdays. The other days a bag lunch will be provided made to your order or you can take a shore lunch box and cook fish out on the shoreline or on a propane cooker outside your cabin, if you like. Most people have us expertly clean their fish for this. We are discontinuing the fourth option of an entree served each day in the lodge unless the weather turns exceptionally cold.

We did a lot of construction work at camp last year including new roofing, rebuilding crib docks, remodeling, painting and shutters. The panorama photo above shows some of this. You will need to click on the photo to enlarge it. It shows almost half of camp in the one shot. Cabin 9 is the two-story building on the left, then comes Cabin 8, Cabin 7 with its new large screened porch and the lodge on the far right.
It's awesome.
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