Friday, August 2, 2013

Fifty-inch-pike angler tells the story in his own words

Fifty-inch northern pike caught and released by Rob Frye at Bow Narrows Camp
George Cies, netman on the monster pike, shows off a whopper 27-inch walleye

"So, if you're reading this blog, I assume you're checking on conditions for an upcoming trip. Well fishing was awesome.
If you're reading this blog because you're looking for a future camp location, well I highly recommend this camp as to the outstanding Food, Staff and awesome fishing.
Now, for the whopping fish story, lol:
"The lure"
Our group of eight stayed the week of July 27th-Aug 3rd, 2013. The first afternoon started off slow but quickly rebounded the following day. We primarily fished for Walleye and Pike but others in the camp were catching Lake Trout and White Fish as well, with most of our luck coming from Pipestone and Trout Bays. While fishing on Wednesday (our fifth day), George Cies and myself were trolling the SW wall of Trout Bay in about 24 ft of water with a black & white deep diving Shad Rap, when all of a sudden my line came to a dead stop. I told George "Stop!, Back up. I have a snag." My line wasn't budging an inch.
 Then while backing up the boat, the line went under the boat at which point my drag took off like crazy.  I yelled to George "shut off the motor, my line is in the prop." George looked at me and said "the motor IS off."
 At this point, the fight was on. As I attempted to pull this beast to the top numerous times, it continued to dive every time I thought it was ready to surface. The third time this beast dove it didn't stop, it headed for deeper water taking almost all my line out through my drag. George started up the boat and the chase was on.
 When it finally came to a stop George jumped up, grabbed the dip net and prepared for the landing. I advised him "Get ready, it's coming up." I knew it was ready to surface any second so I  looked down to see where I could step to get a better position when I heard George utter " HOLY SXXX.".
I looked up to see a look on his face that can't be described, lol.
 I looked over the side to see a freaking DINOSAUR of a fish surface.  George, quick with the net, scooped, reached over the side grabbing net and pulling it into the boat all in one motion. For the next 60 seconds, I think the bait shop back in Red Lake (20+ miles away) could hear George and myself high fiving and laughing. While attempting to retrieve the lure from its mouth, the pike slowly closed its mouth biting down on my net, shredding it, leaving a gaping hole in my net.
 Now the decision, Keep or Release? I always said if I ever caught a fish anywhere over 40 inches, I'd have to keep it. Not the case. After landing it, both George and myself took all the pics and measurements needed to back our story (lol) and to support a replica.
 After quickly accomplishing our pics and measurements we returned this dinosaur to the water. It remained boatside for less than 10 minutes before a couple quick flips of its tail disappearing back to the depths of Trout Bay. Hopefully, the next person lucky enough to experience this as I have, will also return this magnificent creature back to its depth. 
 I have had many tell me I was crazy for releasing this beast. No, killing such an magnificent animal is crazy. I've never claimed to be a professional angler nor tried to be. How many professional anglers do you know that have caught a 50-inch (35Lb+) Pike on 8Lb test line? lol.
 Let me tell all of you reading this, that a fish of this size was not and cannot be caught by just one person. I want to thank George Cies again for being my partner that day and helping make this story possible."

Thanks again, Dan & Brenda for such an amazing stay and a lifetime memory.

Rob Frye

DeKalb IL.

1 comment:

  1. So, I've had numerous people ask me " How long did it take to land such a monster?" Well, from when I hooked it till we returned it back to the water was around 45 minutes, with only 6 or 7 minutes of that of the fish actually being out of the water.

    Rob Frye
    DeKalb IL
