Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Red Lake 2013 ice-out report: still lots of ice

May 7, 2013 aerial view of Bow Narrows Camp by Hugh Carlson
Hugh Carlson of Viking Island Lodge and Viking Outposts snapped this photo for us today.
As you can see, Bow Narrows Camp still has plenty of ice in the narrows although some open water is showing at the spot where there is the most current, right where the green buoy is located. There is also some open water showing around the shoreline and at other spots in the narrows.
If melting conditions continue, my guess is the spot of open water in front of camp should grow enough that we will be able to land a plane there in about a week. So, we and our staffers will head to Red Lake next Monday, May 13, and be poised to get into camp at the first opportunity.
It seems likely that we will be able to fly-in our guests for the first week, starting May 19.
Actual 2013 ice-out on Red Lake, I'm thinking, won't occur until the next week, something like May 22.
It all depends on weather conditions, of course. Red Lake has had some beautiful weather this past week, highs in the 20s C (low 70s F) and not freezing at night. Unfortunately, that is supposed to change starting tomorrow. Highs drop to about 12 C and it may dip below freezing a couple of nights. However, by next Monday, it's predicted to be back to sunny and very warm.
The really good news is that Hugh was able to get Viking Outposts' floatplane into the Chukuni River at town. That means things are progressing.
Ice-out watchers, it's a good idea to also check out Enid Carlson's blog. She and Hugh keep a close eye on what's happening, both on Red Lake and at other fly-in lakes where they have camps.
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