Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Weighing methods of communication

I took my course on social networking today and it seems it could be a useful way of communicating after all, contrary to my expectations in the last blog.
Oh well, I've been wrong before.
I would really appreciate hearing what you have to say about the usefulness of Facebook and Twitter.
Many people have told me they enjoy reading this blog; so I have no intention of stopping it. But would you also like Bow Narrows Camp to have a Facebook page? Would Tweets about camp be of use?
Please leave your comment at the end of this blog or send me an e-mail:
From what I gathered at the seminar, not many people write a blog like this; so they would be more or less starting from scratch. Perhaps for them a Facebook page is a better option since so many people use that now.
My concern about so many things on the Internet, including social networks, is the quality of the content.
It seems to me that there are more and more ways of linking information to people but the information itself isn't the best.
I recognize that there may be an age bias in which medium people use, i.e. younger people may get their information from Facebook compared to older people. Again, I would sure like to hear from you on this; so feel free to comment or send an e-mail.

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 Click to see the latest on the blog


  1. Dan,

    As a near daily follower of your blog, I really enjoy the job you do. I am 30 but not very well versed with new technology like most people my age are. (still have a flip phone!). Having said that, I opened up a brewpub in Chicago last month and communicate with my customers via facebook. We have nearly 3,000 "likes", so I am able to effectively communicate with them on new beers or food specials, along with compliments and complaints. I do not have a twitter, as it seems to only be effective if you tweet 3 or 4 times per day. I don't have time or material for that! If you put as much effort towards fb or twitter as you do your blog, it will be an effective media for you. If you don't, I'm not sure it will really be worth it.

  2. I've never yet been on facebook or twitter. Nate(a faithful (facebooker) and I thoroughlt enjoy your blog--news, pictures, stories, fishing tips, and philosophic comments! I agree with your concerns about the "social media".
    Please give our best to Brenda.
    m. o'brien

  3. Hello Dan,

    Wow, what a difficult and tricky question. Many years ago, I was asked to join a networking site called MySpace. I jumped on that train and took a little ride. After a short trip, I realized that the site was too young for me. It was inundated with so many youngsters, I became disillusioned and uneasy, at best. Shortly after my decision to end my relationship with MySpace, I was contacted about joining Face Book. It was early in its infancy, and I was told it was established for the adult crowd, which would leave the other to the youngsters. I was sold on that concept and in short order, I joined Face Book.

    At first, I gained a lot from FB. I connected with old friends, family, and people who are like-minded. It allowed me contact with my son while he was serving in Afghanistan. However, as time moved on, the site became flooded with kids and advertising. After much contemplation, I decided to end my connection with FB. My New Year's Resolution for 2013 was to cutoff my relationship with the medium. To be honest, I haven't missed it a bit.

    Regardless of my feelings of the concept of social networking, the fact is it is well-loved and well-recieved. It seems that everyone is connected through FB; everyone but me! I can see your dilema.

    I suppose you would have to determine what your client base would prefer. With that, you need to try to figure out how the future client base will learn about Bow Narrows.

    As far as promoting and introducing countless millions to Bow Narrows and its product, there is nothing out there as powerful and encompassing as Face Book.

    I personally became tired of the networking site. I am satisfied with this Blog and utilizing your web page. I can see a FB page generating more interest and responses in real-time. Once something of interest is posted, it will catch like wildfire and continue burning for quite a while.

    I wish you luck with your decision. I am just a simple man who enjoys fishing and spending his time at Bow Narrows for a glorious and carefree week of fishing and relaxation--away from the pressures of modern living. No phone, no computer, no email, no networking--except face-to-face with like-minded folks at Bow Narrows!

    Doug Billings

  4. Dan,
    For what it's worth, I enjoy reading your blog regularly, but I don't use Facebook, Twitter, or any other social network. I think you're correct about the age bias, although many in my age group are big time social network users.

    Have a safe trip back to Red Lake this spring. Sorry we can't make it this year. Looking forward to returning in 2014.

  5. I enjoy your blogs and look for them everyday. I am not a fan of Facebook or Twitter so I hope you continue the blog.
    Thanks as always,
    Pat Ozment

  6. Thanks everybody.
    There is a lot to digest here and I won't be making a decision about Facebook for awhile.
    No matter what, I will continue the blog. It seems a good vehicle for me to communicate with anyone who comes to camp or is planning to come. The question is: does our website and blog help new people find us in the first place? We love our returning guests but it's just a fact of life that we continually need to find some new ones each year as well. Statistics point out that many people search for destinations such as Bow Narrows only with Facebook now, not Google or other search engines.
    The simplicity of Bow Narrows is something we all treasure, me especially. I don't want to complicate life any more than necessary.
    Still, this blog itself is a result of a suggestion to use the Internet to keep people informed and get their feedback -- sort of a simple type of social networking.
    I hope others will continue to submit their comments or e-mail. It's all food for thought. Meanwhile and even afterwards, the blog will go on.

  7. Dan,

    I don't use Facebook or Twitter- seems like a colossal waste of time! I enjoy reading your blog and will continue to do that. I do know that they're both really popular, so if you feel you need to do it to attract business, it might be worth your time.

  8. This may be a dumb question, but why don't I see a Facebook "Like" button anywhere on your blog (or website) like I do everywhere else I go? Is this something you can do or I have to do? This would capitalize on the enthusiasm of your current followers and get the word out on Facebook without you having to do much of anything.

  9. Hello Dan
    My whole family(including Mike G)love your blog,read it everyday. To me Tweeting is a bird call and Facebook is a high school yearbook.
    However to the rest of the human race it is a reality. You must do both Twitter and Facebook, it is a must to reach the plugged in population (which seems to be everyone but a few of us happy campers). These social networking sites may be a mile wide and an inch deep but they will be directed to your Website and Blog for some depth. Not all fish are on the bottom.
    Your best advertising is word of mouth, the wonderful pictures of nature, the big fish and your excited smiling guests, all of which will be seen on these social sites. Please continue your blog it is great.
    See you in July
    Larry Pons

  10. Love the blog...I wouldn't bother with facebook or twitter.

  11. I go to your blog pretty much everyday to see if you posted something new yet! For your current Bow Narrows clients that come year after year, this is more than sufficient. You are able to get out the information that you want in as much detail as you need. However, if you are interested in attracting new people to camp it wouldn't be a bad idea to join Facebook and Twitter. I would link all your blog posts on the other sites to get your message to more people than just a Google search. Those of us that love coming up their each year can only do so much with word to mouth!

  12. Hello Dan, Franz from the Chicago group. Your blog is more than sufficient with pictures and a very homey feel, I always read every one! It warms my heart on cold winter nights to hear from our friends on Red Lake. Dont change a thing!!

  13. I want to thank everybody who took the time to share their thoughts. Your comments about the blog are particularly heartwarming. I look forward to continue writing it in the future.
    At the same time, it seems evident that, for business reasons, I should also start a Facebook page and communicate to other people that way.
    I'm starting from scratch on this and may be contacting some of you for tips. It will probably take some time before I come up with a product I'm proud of.
    I envision a division of content between the two with the blog being designed for the more knowledgeable reader. That's sort of the difference now between our website and the blog.
    It's hard to see how the immediacy of Twitter can be of much value in the fishing camp business other than to add my two cents to fishing conversations. I haven't even looked at this closely yet. There might be something.

  14. Dan,

    While I don't use facebook every day, I do have an account. It has been very helpful in keeping up with friends that are far away. I have struggled with the decision to create a facebook page for my business over the last few years so I understand your dilemma. However, for the business you are in I think facebook would be a great way to advertise.

    The benefit would come largely from your frequent guests linking to your page. Most of us are likely to post pictures of our Bow Narrows trip on our facebook page when we return home, as I do each year. I have had several friends over the years ask me about the trip and I give them your website. However, if you had a page, they could go immediately from mine to yours.

    The best aspect is that your client's friends are likely to also be fishermen. If that isn't targeting advertising, I don't know what is.

    Whatever you do, I will continue to visit your website for the in-depth content and to day-dream about my next trip to Red Lake!

    N. Matson
