Monday, January 14, 2013

Another Wheat Belly book out there now

I recommended in a previous posting (Buy yourself this gift for Christmas) that everybody should read Wheat Belly, by Dr. William Davis, MD. For about two months now I've been following his advice to not eat wheat especially but also to steer clear of grains of all kinds and I've now lost three inches off my waist. The funny thing is I have only lost about 10 pounds. I'm obviously losing my belly, the cinching of my belt proves this, but I would say I am also GAINING muscle. How else can I explain getting radically smaller in the middle but only losing a moderate amount of weight?
Anyway, I'm very pleased with the results and I feel GREAT! I'm not tired at all during the day any more. Previously I needed to take a nap for a half hour each day.
I've also had no low blood-sugar episodes, something I have been prone to all my life.  Before switching to this type of eating I was unable to exert myself for at last a half-hour after eating or my blood sugar would crash and I would get what my Mom used to call, "the weak tremblies."
Finally, I'm seldom hungry now. I can usually go from meal to meal without snacking.
Dr. Davis now has published another book, The Wheat Belly Cookbook. I haven't read this but I would trust that it is useful, especially if you really miss bread and pasta. Dr. Davis has ways of making crusts from things like flax seed which gets around the wheat dilemma.
From my perspective, it's probably easiest to just drop bread, crusts, pastas, desserts, entirely than to find ways of imitating these things. That's just a personal choice. I like things to be simple.
Brenda and I have switched from eating spaghetti and meat sauce to cauliflower and meat sauce. Don't knock it until you've tried it!
I do miss pizza and want to try making it by putting the ingredients I can eat, like meat, cheese, onions and tomato sauce, on shallow shells of green pepper. I'll let you know how that goes.
A lot of you said you were thinking of trying the Wheat Belly advice. I would say you have nothing to lose but your middle. Go for it!
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  1. I loved the wheat belly book. I felt wonderful after eliminating wheat. If you're craving pizza I read you can make a cauliflower crust.

  2. OK, we've tried the cauliflower crust since I wrote the blog posting. It is great! And we've also tried flax meal wraps. They are incredible. Flax seed is said to be entirely protein and fiber with no carbs. The wraps are made with an egg and some oil and have a very nice taste. I've filled them with the usual wrap components and also with salmon. You would pay a lot for these at a restaurant.
