Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Anglers like these ensure great fishing continues

Jeff Kinzenbaw
Adam Collett, Tom Kinzenbaw

John Overbeeke
The Kinzenbaw group caught some dandy walleye and northern pike at camp last June and then released them to grow even larger for this year's trip.
The top photo shows Jeff Kinzenbaw with a 23-inch walleye. The middle photo shows Jeff's dad, Tom, with a 27.5-inch walleye. Adam Collett was the net man on that fish. John Overbeeke displays a  33-inch northern pike in the bottom photo.
These fish were just too large to keep from both a conservation and an eating point of view.
The best northern pike to eat are from about 21-26 inches. There is a no-keep slot size of 27.5 inches to 35.4 inches on pike. Although you can legally keep one pike larger than 35.4 inches, our policy is to reserve that right for fish you kill accidentally. If you want a wall-hanger, the best idea is to measure the length and girth and release the actual fish. Today's replicas made by taxidermists are outstanding, better even than the skin mounts.
For walleyes you are permitted to have one fish over 18 inches. Again, the best policy is to only keep fish under 18 inches. They are the best eating and haven't even begun to spawn. The spawners are the ones 18 inches and above. We all want them to keep reproducing. Use your "over-18" option only if you foul-hook a walleye and it would die anyway.
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