Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Merry Christmas on this crisp and clear day

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  1. Dan,
    It looks to me that at -40C it is also -40F based on the picture of your thermometer. Can that be true?
    Also love the picture of the chickadee. What hardy little critters they are-always have been my favorite bird.
    Paul Stowick

  2. Hi Paul,
    That's right, -40 C and -40 F are the same. That's the point where the two systems match.
    The chickadee is also my favorite bird.
    Chickadees are absolutely fearless but also totally friendly. I think humans should exhibit the same qualities. They are probably the most abundant bird here in the winter. I've heard they roost together in tree cavities to stay warm at night, sometimes there can be a dozen in one hole!
