Saturday, December 29, 2012

Footprints of the "Ghost of the Woods"

Tracks of the Canadian lynx
The fuzzy, indistinct footprints of a Canadian lynx proves that the "Ghost of the Woods" paid us a visit at our home in Nolalu.
Sam and I found these tracks yesterday. It was a solitary animal, roaming throughout the bush looking for snowshoe hares, virtually the only thing it eats.
Last year I got photos of an entire group of these rare wild cats. See Lynx Family.
Lynx are not endangered here but are naturally an unusual animal. They claim vast territories and wander incessantly, making it virtually impossible to predict their whereabouts.
The lynx that made these tracks may come back tomorrow or a month from now or never.
Their rarity, the total silence with which they move (they have huge, fluffy feet) and their gray colour has earned them the nickname "Ghost of the Woods."
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