Friday, December 21, 2012

Don't you hate it when this happens?

Surprise! Young buck trips a branch-load of snow
You are taking a walk out in the woods right after a snowfall. It's like walking into a Thomas Kinkaid painting, everything still and white and beautiful and then -- whump! -- a load of snow goes down your neck.
"JEEZ but that's cold!'
The same thing happened to this young whitetail buck in front of my trail camera here in Nolalu.
We have enough snow to make it a white Christmas but that's about all. So far it has been a very mild winter, only -10 C tonight. It's been a little colder in Red Lake, probably -20 C or about 0 F there.
Today is the shortest day of the year. We need to turn the headlights on in the car at 3 p.m. if it is cloudy which it usually is this time of year.
We have put solar Christmas lights on a couple of trees out in the field the last few years but they don't turn on until January. There just isn't enough light in December to charge them.

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1 comment:

  1. Great picture!

    I'd be happy to send you some snow if you'd like!
