Monday, October 22, 2012

Timber wolves frequently seen and heard

Timber wolves at night
We have seen and heard more timber wolves this year than any other. Bow Narrows angler Charles Howard discovered one location for photographing wolves when he and fellow angler Kim Gross were here in September. Charles got some nice shots with his trail camera so I thought I would try the same thing. This is my first photo, showing three wolves.
My brother-in-law, Ron, and I each purchased new Bushnell High Definition cameras after I got this shot. Wait until you see those pix on the blog in the coming days!


  1. Hey, Summer Neighbor! I remember hearing wolves this summer up on the hill by the "Office" at Moninger Station. We've even seen wolves down here, east of Moose Lake at the deer hunting shack, which is south of Duluth about 45 miles. They were out in broad daylight-one totally jet black and the other with brown with some white spotting. Big, wide and tall wolves with those large padded feet. Hope all is well and the snow's gone! Get your moose?

  2. Hi Dale,
    We've seen some pretty neat wolves here too. I'll post them in the near future.
    I don't know what happened to your comment about the trout blog. You asked what effect I thought the forest fire of 1986 had on the trout.
    Of course, that was approximately the time the trout seemed to stop reproducing. It sure seemed like it had something to do with it all. However, in retrospect, I think the date of the fire was a coincidence. The 80s were also the time of smelt overabundance and I think it was actually the smelt that hurt the trout. If you think about it, Red Lake trout have probably experienced hundreds of forest fires in the 10,000 years since glaciers covered this region. They should have figured out a way to adapt by now.
    And yes, we got a moose!
