Saturday, February 11, 2012

New openings for June, July and August

If you have been waiting for an opening to come fishing at Bow Narrows Camp next summer, you should check out our Availability listing. There are several cabins now available in peak-demand times such as June, July and August.
We're in the process of making available cabins that were reserved by people last summer but which we have not been able to contact or who changed their plans and never informed us. I wrote them all letters in December, sent them e-mails if I had their e-mail addresses and left messages on their answering machines. If I still get no response, I take them out of our reservation book.
Just about everybody with reservations have now secured them with deposits. If you still haven't done so, you need to contact us by telephone immediately, even if it is just to tell us the deposits will be coming later. Call us at 807-475-7246. If we are not here, make sure you leave a message. We will absolutely check our answering machine and call you back.
You can e-mail but if you haven't heard back from us in a day or two, call as well. E-mails don't always get through. Spam filters erroneously pick them off at the Internet Service Provider, etc.
The same holds true for people wishing to make new reservations. Fill out our request form for information on the Contact/Reservations page of our website or send us a personal e-mail to If you don't get a response in a day or two, call us. Nothing is surer than talking to a real person.
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