The steam leaving the water each morning is evidence that fall is right around the corner.
This is caused by the water being warmer than the cool morning air. By mid-morning the temperature is warm again but the nights are nice and cool, perfect for sleeping.
Other signs of autumn are the birch trees which are changing from green to brown. They will eventually be bright yellow.
The leaves are turning earlier than normal this year, maybe because spring came earlier too.
Unmated loons are ganging up out in the big water where they seem to have wild bachelor and bachelorette parties -- whooping and hollering and splashing around, just for laughs it would appear. They will be the first loons to head south. Unfortunately some of them will be heading to the Gulf of Mexico and its oil spill.
The severe cold front we had last weekend also had a chill on the fishing. Fishing wasn't back to normal really until Friday, too late for guests who departed this morning. They did have a pretty good day Thursday before they left.
Everyone took the downturn in fishing in stride. There isn't much anyone can do when the temperature falls to 40s F from 80 F overnight.
The pike bit pretty well but the walleyes at first were just gone. Fishermen did well on them by Thursday, however.
I remember the aftermath of another cold front a couple of years ago. I asked one of our fishermen if he had seen anything on his fish finder in a spot where the screen was lit up by fish the previous day.
"Nothing but tumbleweeds," he replied.
The best guess is the fish are plastered right to the bottom where they don't show on the finders' screens. Whatever it is they do they sure aren't active for a few days. The good news is that they always eventually must eat again.
The weather since last weekend has been gorgeous and a welcome respite for our guests who are coming from hot and humid conditions down south.
I want to thank all our friends who alerted us to the solar storm a couple of weeks ago and the northern lights this would cause.
As luck would have it, our skies were cloudy both nights when the lights would have been out.
Oh well.
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