That's the comment we are hearing from just about everybody this summer, even anglers who have been coming fishing to Bow Narrows Camp and Red Lake for 30 years.
They are catching walleyes everywhere and the beauty is the fish are coming in all sizes, from eight inches to 28 inches.
There are lots and lots of 14-18 inchers -- just the right size to eat at camp or to take home. Let the ancient, 24+inchers go. They are not the best meal choices and are the established spawners.
Biggest walleye so far was a very fat 30-incher that was caught and released. It would have been over 10 pounds.
We've also had lots of pike in the high 30-inches caught and released and several 40+inches.
Favorite walleye bait is nightcrawlers fished on Little Joe spinners or 1/8-oz jigs.
Colors vary throughout the day. Bring both light and dark colors.
The weather has been seasonally warm and a little on the damp side with a couple of rainy days each week.
Bugs, so far, have been almost non-existent.
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