Sunday, January 31, 2010

Don't forget to fish the weedbeds for walleye

Walleye caught in the weeds
Weedbeds and weedy shorelines are a great place to fish for walleye on Red Lake, Ontario, and are frequently overlooked by many anglers. They seem to think weeds are for northern pike only, but that's just not true.

If you only catch pike out of the weeds here it's probably because you are only using lures designed to catch pike. On the other hand if you go looking for walleye in these areas, you'll probably connect.

Try fishing just off the weed line in 8-15 feet of water with Little Joe spinners tipped with worms or leeches or with a 1/8 or 1/4-ounce jig with the same live baits.

If you can find a rock pile or sandbar with weeds near or around it, all the better.
You can also try casting crankbaits like the Rattlin' Rap in these spots. But you better be using an ultra-thin steel leader on these because weeds really are good for razor-mouthed pike too.

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