Sunday, May 31, 2009

Weather is chilly but the fishing is hot

The predicted high for today is only 5 C!
Yesterday we had to delay taking guests out of camp for 45 minutes while we waited for the sun to raise the thermometer to above freezing. It was quite windy and I feared driving the boat in below-freezing temps could lead to spray turning to ice on the windshield.
These are cold days.
Some forecasts are even including the S word for today (snow).
Mostly though the weather has been pleasant since we opened for fishing a week ago. There was only one rainy day. The rest of the week was sunny and although the temperatures were a little below seasonal were still enjoyable.
I didn't hear anybody complaining about the weather last week. Probably because they were doing very well with the fish.
Our first-week pike experts did their usual thing by catching loads of humungous northern pike on dead bait. The largest I heard about was a 46-inch pike that weighed 22 pounds. It was caught and released by Dave Myers. Way to go, Dave!
Virtually everybody caught a 40+-inch fish.
There were nothing but big walleyes caught which is typical for this time of year. We don't get the eating-size fish until the water warms up. Most walleyes were caught on dead bait (half a ciscoe) or on crankbaits. For some reason live bait didn't work as well.
There were also many lake trout caught and released. We are catching more and more lake trout each season. The average size trout was 32 inches but we also are catching small ones again, including one 24-incher caught and released by angler Boyce Privett.
I forget who it was in Joe Overman's group that also hooked a giant 42-inch trout that they figured weighed in excess of 30 pounds. If it wasn't Joe then it was Fred Specht or Dee Hall.
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