Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Our bird feeder getting some big birds

Now that hunting season is over we're getting some big visitors to our bird feeder here in Nolalu.
This video was taken out of the kitchen window. The bird feeder is about 30 feet away.
This is one of two identical bucks that have come to eat sunflower seeds.
Brenda and I would like to extend everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Stay safe and warm this winter.
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  1. Read your blogs every few days. Makes me crave to land some great Walleyes. I've been coming to Red Lake to fish for the last 20 yrs. I really enjoy your website and how you keep it to date. Merry Christmas from Alabama.

  2. I also read this blog every few days. The information and pictures help warm up the cold MN winter! Can't wait to get back to Ontario this next August!!! Merry Christmas!!!
