Thursday, July 3, 2008

Northern Pike are on the rocks

Almost everybody in camp this week are fishing for northern pike.
For some reason, most of the fish being taken are coming from rocky shores with boulders and near deep water.
The exception was a 42-inch pike taken on a top-water lure right across from camp one evening.
Little Cleo and Len Thompson spoons about 2 inches long, #4 and #5 Mepps, 3/8 ounce jigs with 4-inch plastic twister tails and 5-6 inch stick baits like Rebel and Rapala are doing the trick.
Some anglers are catching up to 60 pike a day with many of these in the slot size or larger.
Although no one is fishing for walleyes, many are being caught while fishing for northern pike.
For walleyes, back troll walleye spinners with worms or leeches. Walleyes are still in the shallow areas but probably some are now in 16-feet of water around the edges of the big water too.
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