Friday, May 23, 2008

Red Lake walleyes taken on original Rapalas

Anglers at Bow Narrows Camp on Red Lake, Ontario, started catching walleyes at the end of the first week of the first fishing season.
All of the fish brought back to camp were females and had not yet spawned.
Virtually everyone of these fish were caught on original floating Rapalas, 5-6 inches in length, and silver in color or lures of the same type by other companies.
Anglers are also catching loads of big northern pike on this same lure.
Many lake trout are also being caught.
Water temperature is very cold for this time of year, just 44 F, or so.
All the fish we have cleaned have been filled with smelt which look very much like the Rapalas.
We're also catching a lot of whitefish which seem to be on the prowl for walleye and perhaps even northern pike eggs.
Weather has been cool but dry. Highs have been in the 50s F.
The water level is a little low for this time of year which is welcome. Our lake level has been above normal for the last several years.

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