Friday, March 21, 2008

Lots to do besides just fishing

sea kayaking at Bow Narrows Camp on Red Lake, Ontario
"I would like to bring the wife and kids, what else is there to do besides go fishing?"


You are welcome to use our canoes and sea kayaks to explore the lake, its shoreline and islands. Just make sure you wear your life vest.

You can also carry a canoe to another lake, to fish and explore.

There are beaches around the lake that make good swimming spots. So does our main dock with its swim ladder right at the lodge.

There aren't many places in the world that are better to see and photograph wildlife.

Moose, loons and bald eagles are very common along with every aquatic mammal: beaver, mink, otter, etc.

There are trails to other lakes and old gold mines that you can hike.
You are welcome to go with Dan on the camp boat to Red Lake during the mid-week supply trip. Besides shopping in Red Lake, there is a fantastic museum to visit. Red Lake is famous as having been the site of the world's third-largest gold rush in 1926. That was more than two decades before there was a road to this area. Prospectors came by dogsled in winter and boat and canoe in the summer. Gold mining and prospecting are active to this very day.
We frequently have sing-along nights at the lodge and everyone is invited.

At night, you might see Northern Lights and you'll always see the incredible night sky which is especially vivid here since there is no light pollution. Looking up at the Milky Way makes you feel like you are flying through space, which of course, we actually are.
If you come on the American Plan your wife (and you) will love the meals and fellowship that takes place in the dining room.

Finally, there is just the peace and quiet of being in the boat, suntanning on the dock or sitting on your cabin's screened porch, listening to the beautiful calls of the loons.

It's the perfect place to paint or sculpt or read or just get back in touch with your family, friends and most of all, yourself.

It's amazing how good it feels to just catch some rays, feel the breeze, smell the pines and really, I mean really, unwind.

Click here to go back to our website:
Bow Narrows Camp
Red Lake, Ont.

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